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Elchin Khalilov

来源:伟德国际1946源于英国 日期:2025-02-12浏览量:

Elchin Khalilov, male, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Russia, Moscow, 2008), Full Member of the International Academy of Sciences "Health and Ecology" (Austria, Innsbruck, 2001), Full Professor title awarded by the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of Azerbaijan in 2011, Grand PhD (DSc) in Geophysics and Geodynamics (1991, USSR, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia), PhD in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1985, USSR, Institute of Geology of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan). He received a master's degree in Geophysics in 1981 from the Azerbaijan Institute of Petroleum and Chemistry, USSR.

From 1993 to 2014 he worked as the General Director of the State Research Center "GEOS" of the Republic of Azerbaijan. From 2015 to 2021, he worked as the President of the International Scientific and Technical Complex "Intergeo-Tethys", Azerbaijan.

In 2006-2010, Khalilov E.N was appointed as Chairman of Expert Council of Higher Certifying Commission at the President of Azerbaijan. It is the highest state body of Azerbaijan, which approves academic titles and scientific degrees.

Author of more than 300 published articles in scientific journals. He is the author of 10 scientific books published in Russia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Germany, Austria and Azerbaijan. He is the author of more than 100 patents, including 63 national patents of Azerbaijan and more than 40 international PCT and Eurasian patents.

He is the Editor-in-Chief of the international periodical multi-volume collection of works "Science Without Borders". Transactions of the International Academy of Science H&E. Austria, Innsbruck. He has been the Honorary Editor-in-Chief of the International Magazine "Asia of the Future", Azerbaijan, since 2024.

He is also The Acting President of the Asian Academy of Sciences since 2024 (www.aa-sc.com) and President of the World Organization for Scientific Cooperation "Science Without Borders" since 2011 (Germany, Munich, www.wosco.co ).

Visiting Professor and Head of the Laboratory at ZEOMAG of Wenzhou University since September 2022.


Elchin Khalilov has received the following awards for his scientific achievements


ØGold Medal and the status of "Laureate of the Prize of the Communist Youth Union of Azerbaijan in the field of Science and Technology" (1984);

ØSilver Medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "To the Author of A Scientific Discovery" (2003);

ØMedal of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences (2009);

ØPavlov Gold Pin (2003) and Gold Medal "Health and Ecology" by the International Academy of Science (2019, Austria);

ØJohann Wolfgang Von Goethe Medal for his contribution to world science (European Academy of Natural Sciences, Germany, 2023); 



Research directions


Professor Khalilov’s research has taken on a number of fields, and these include the followings.


ØProblems of gravitational waves and quantum gravity.

ØSolar-terrestrial relations and the influence of cosmic factors on geological and physiological processes.

ØGlobal geological and environmental changes.

ØWater properties, environmental problems, biochemical water purification using natural zeolite.

ØApplication of zeolite to kill pathogenic bacteria in water.

ØPhysical and biological properties of magnetized water.

ØPurification of water in natural reservoirs from cyanobacteria, etc. 


Research at Wenzhou University


Professor Khalilov’s research at Wenzhou University is primarily concerned with the application of magnetized water in the treatment of algal blooms. Magnetized water has special properties and some of these have previously been studied and established. After water is magnetized, many of its properties would change, giving rise to new properties.

For examples:


Ø In magnetized water, the hardness of water decreases as a result of the conversion of calcium bicarbonate (calcite) into aragonite, which is associated with a change in the structure of the crystal lattice of minerals, but at the same time, their chemical formula (CaCO₃) is preserved.

Ø The surface tension of water increases by 5-7% depending on the type of magnetic activator.

Ø The structure of water changes, in particular, clusters of water molecules are destroyed, a new cluster structure of water is formed depending on the structure of magnetic matrices.

Ø The acoustic characteristics of water change, in particular, the attenuation spectrum of acoustic waves changes to varying degrees, depending on the type of structure of the magnetic matrix.

Ø The volume of water evaporation is reduced compared to ordinary natural water.

Ø The viscosity of water decreases, which is explained by the destruction of large clusters of water molecules.

Ø The magnetized water acquires antibacterial properties to some types of bacteria. 

His preliminary work with magnetized water have demonstrated for the first time that magnetized water has different effects on the growth of plants and cyanobacteria, depending on the structure of the magnetic matrix in the water magnetizing devices. 


Some patents for the period 2021-2023

1. E. Khalilov et al. Personal magnetic activator of drinking water. Eurasian Patent No. 036366, date of issue October 30, 2020.

2. E. Khalilov et al. A device for magnetic activation of liquids. Eurasian Patent No. 037875, date of issue May 31, 2021.

3. E. Khalilov et al. A device for magnetic processing of liquids MagVortex. Application PCT/WO2022/256884, 12/15/2022.

4. E. Khalilov et al. A device for magnetic processing of liquids MagVortex. Eurasian Patent No. 042178, issued on January 20, 2023.

5. Khalilov E.N. et al. A device for magnetic activation and filtration of pet water ZEOMAG. Eurasian Patent № 459927, Issued on January 18, 2024.

6. Khalilov E.N., Khalilov F.E. and etc. Device for magnetic treatment of liquids (MagVortex).  Eurasian patent No. 047892, Date of issue: 26.09.2024. Eurasian Patent Organisation.

At present, three patent applications have been sent to the PCT Patent Organization in 2024:

1. PCT application No.   PCT/CN2024/102089, Title: “A system and a process for inactivating cyanobacteria in a reservoir”;

2. PCT application No.  PCT/CN2024/102088, Title: “A system and a method for the identification of magnetized water”;

3. PCT application No. PCT/CN2024/102090,  Title: “Method for reducing the irrigation water consumption during reclamation of acreage”;

Publications for the period 2021-2024


1. Kholodkevich S.V., Khalilov E.N., Min Z., Ma Z., Khalilov F.E., Sladkova S.V., Zhu L., Golubkov S.M. The results of studies of the influence of magnetized water on the physiological state of crayfish based on the fiber-optical method of studying the cardiorhythm. Science Without Borders. Transactions of the ICSD/IAS H&E. Vol. 7, Innsbruck, SWB, 2023/2024, p.178-184.

2. Khalilov E. N., Zhao Min, Ma Zenglin, Wang Min, Yubao Li, Khalilov F. E., Zhu Liya. Experimental studies of magnetized water evaporation using MAGVORTEX technology. Science Without Borders. Transactions of the ICSD/IAS H&E. Vol. 7, Innsbruck, SWB, 2023/2024, p. 185-195.

3. Andrey Ronzhin, Andrey Lazukin, Anton Saveliev, Elchin Khalilov, Zengling Ma, Ming Wang. Theoretical and technological foundations of preventing water blooming using laser radiation. Springer. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production (ADOP 2023), St. Petersburg, Russia, June 05-07, 2023.

4. Ronzhin A.L., Khalilov E. N., Zhao M., Ma Zh., Glibco O.Y., Wang M., Khalilov F. E., Zhou Yu. On the possibility of controlling the dynamics of the development of chlorella (chlorella vulgaris) in water areas using infrared lasers and aerial unmanned robotic vehicles. Materials of the photonics conference. Bulletin of the far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy Of Sciences, 2024.

5. E.N. Khalilov, J. Min, Z. Ma, O.Ya. Glibko, M. Wang, F.E. Khalilov, Yu. Sou, A.L. Ronzhin. "On the possibility of controlling the dynamics of chlorella (chlorella vulgaris) development in freshwater areas under the influence of infrared lasers" at the conference "Photonics in agriculture", 03/27/2024, Moscow, Russia, within the framework of the 18th international specialized exhibition "PHOTONICS. THE WORLD OF LASERS AND OPTICS" decided to publish an article in the thematic issue of the journal "Bulletin of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences".

6. Khalilov E. N., Ma Zh., Wang M., Khalilov F. E., Kuleshov S. V. Prospects of robotic remote control and laser exposure to cyanobacteria flowering // Reports of AMAN. 2023. Vol. 23, No. 1, http://doklady.aman-circassian.ru/2023/03/23/2023-t-23-1/

7. Ronzhin A.L., Khalilov E.N., Lazukin A.A., Savelyev A.I., Ma Z., Wang M. Modeling of methods for controlling the dynamics of cyanobacterial flowering using aerial and surface robotic means // Proceedings of the X All-Russian Scientific and practical conference "Theory and practice of system dynamics", Apatity, Murmansk region, April 03 - April 07 , 2023,https://www.iimm.ru/nauchnye-meropriyatiya/konference2023/

8. Ronzhin A.L., Khalilov E.N., Lazukin A.A., Savelyev A.I., Ma Z., Wang M. Simulation of methods of control the dynamics of cyanobacterial blooming using air and surface robotics // Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of RAS. Series: Engineering Sciences. 2022. Vol. 13, No. 2. P. 2–9. (P.144-150)

9. Khalilov E.N., Khalilov F.E., Khalilova T.Ş. On the possibility of enhancing the adsorption capacity of natural zeolite by means of magnetic water treatment. Science Without Borders. Transactions of the ICSD/IAS H&E. Vol. 6, Innsbruck, SWB, 2020/2021. Pp. 187-192.

10. Talai S.M., Khalilov E.N., Zamanov A.A., Allahverdiyev T.I., Ibrahimova I.Q., Hasanova Q.M. Effect of magnetized water using the magmatrix apparatus on yield and quality wheat indicators. Science Without Borders. Transactions of the ICSD/IAS H&E. Vol. 6, Innsbruck, SWB, 2020/2021. Pp.162-180.

11. Khalilov E.N., Khalilov F.E. Using MAGVORTEX technology to reduce emissions CO2. Bulletin of the International Academy of Aciences (Russian Section) • Moscow. 2022 • Special issue. № 1. ISSN 1819-5733.

12. Allahverdiyev E.A, Khalilov E.N., Ibrahimov A.M. Results of tests of the influence of irrigation of magnetized water using the "magmatrix agro" technology to vegetable growth. Science Without Borders. Transactions of the ICSD/IAS H&E. Vol. 6, Innsbruck, SWB, 2020/2021. Pp.182-189.

13. Khalilov E.N., Khalilov A.E., Khalilov F.E. Using magvortex technology in the circular economy to reduce co2 emissions. Science Without Borders. Transactions of the International Academy of Science H&E. Vol. 6, Innsbruck, SWB, 2021, p. 261-267, ISSN 2070-0334, ISBN 978-9952-451-07-8.

14. Khalilov E.N., Khalilov F.E. Practical experience and prospects for application of natural zeolite for deep chemical and biological water treatment. Science Without Borders. Transactions of the International Academy of Science H&E. Vol. 6, Innsbruck, SWB, 2021, p.272-284, ISBN 978-9952-451-07-8.


Contact phone number: 183 6782 3303(same number on WeChat)/138 5886 4263 (assistant professor's number is Farid Khalilov) E-mail: profkhalilov@qq.com