马增岭,博士,教授,博导,浙江省高校领军人才培养计划创新领军人才,苏步青学院执行院长, 城镇水污染生态治理技术国家地方联合工程研究中心副主任。浙江省生态学学会常务理事, 澳大利亚弗林德斯大学访问学者, Frontiers in Marine Science、Molecular Biotechnology、Environment and Ecology Research等国际期刊编委。
从事有害藻华发生机理、生态效应、多元治理技术与资源化利用, 藻-菌互作机制及其生态功能, 水生态环境质量评价与生态修复技术等研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、浙江省自然科学基金重点及一般项目、上海市自然科学基金等科研项目10余项。在Trends in Biotechnology、Biotechnology Advances、Sustainable Development、Chemosphere、Harmful Algae、Algal Research、Aquaculture等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文120余篇。获国家发明专利12项。以第一完成人获得浙江省自然科学奖三等奖、浙江省生态环境科学技术奖二等奖等科技奖励10余项。
1. 浙江省自然科学基金重点项目:“基于水华形成蓝藻群体物理破散的水生生态系统演替过程和驱动机制研究(No.LZ21C030001)”, 2021.01-2023.12, 30万元.
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: “甲藻赤潮胁迫下大型海藻羊栖菜的光合应答机制研究(No.41876124)”, 2019.01-2022.12, 74.4万元.
3. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题:“褐藻羊栖菜生态适性与安全性评价(No.2018YFD0901504-02)”, 2018.12-2022.12, 68万元.
4. 浙江省科技计划项目: “东海近海赤潮生消与演替对浮游动物群落结构的影响 (No.2015C33246)”, 2016.01-2018.12, 10万元.
5. 浙江省自然科学基金一般项目:“微囊藻水华生消对浮游动物群落结构的影响及其机理研究 (No.LY14C030006)” , 2014.01-2016.12, 10万元.
6. 上海市自然科学基金面上项目: “长江口典型浮游动物的阳光辐射适应机制 (No.11ZR1449900)”, 2011.04-2014.03, 10万元.
7. 中央级国家公益性科研院所基本科研业务费: “三种不同规格桡足类的生物学及养殖技术研究 (No.2008M15)”, 2008.12-2011.12, 40万元.
8. 教育部产学合作协同育人项目: “基于遥感大数据技术的生态环境工程专业校外实践基地建设(No.230700915175014)”, 2024.01-2024.12.
1. Jun Wei Roy Chong, Kuan Shiong Khoo*, Kit Wayne Chew*, Huong-Yong Ting, Iwamoto Koji, Roger Ruan, Zengling Ma*, Pau Loke Show*. 2024. Artificial intelligence-driven microalgae autotrophic batch cultivation: A comparative study of machine and deep learning-based image classification models. Algal Research, 79(2024): 103400. [SCI 2区, IF:5.1 (2022)].
2. Weihao Li, Lijun Wang, Xi Qiang, Yuling Song, Wenhui Gu, Zengling Ma*, Guangce Wang. 2024. Design, construction and application of algae-bacteria synergistic system for treating wastewater. Journal of Environmental Management, 366(2024): 121720. [SCI 2区, IF:8.0 (2022), Top Journal]
3. Abu Danish Aiman Bin Abu Sofian, Hooi Ren Lim, Heli Siti Halimatul Munawaroh, Zengling Ma*, Kit Wayne Chew*, Pau Loke Show*. 2024. Pau Loke Show et al., 2024. Machine learning and the renewable energy revolution: Exploring solar and wind energy solutions for a sustainable future including innovations in energy storage. Sustainable Development, 32(4): 3953-3978. [SCI 1区, IF=12.5 (2022)]
4. Bing Liu, Shikun Li, Wenchen Dai, Fengyu Liu, Wenli Qin, Min Wang, Yang Jia, Zengling Ma*. 2024. Unveiling the enhanced reactivity of NO ozonation on NH4-SAPO-34 zeolite: Ab initio molecular dynamics combined with experimental characteristics. Chemical Engineering Science, 300(2024): 120548. [SCI 2区, IF:8.0 (2022)].
5. Kai Yao Tan, Sze Shin Low*, Sivakumar Manickam, Zengling Ma*, Fawzi Banat, Heli Siti Halimatul Munawaroh, Pau-Loke Show*. 2023. Prospects of microalgae in nutraceuticals production with nanotechnology applications. Food Research International, 169(2023): 112870. [SCI 1区, IF=8.1 (2022), Top Journal].
6. Angela Peter, Kit Wayne Chew, Apurav Krishna Koyande, Heli Siti Halimatul Munawaroh, Amit Bhatnagar, Yang Tao, Chihe Sun, Fubao Sun, Zengling Ma*, Pau Loke Show*. 2023. Integrated microalgae culture with food processing waste for wastewater remediation and enhanced biomass productivity. Chinese Chemical Letters, 34: 107721. [SCI 1区, IF=9.1 (2022), Top Journal].
7. Shuaipeng Tian, Binbin Chen*, Mingjiang Wu, Cong Cao, Zongrun Gu, Tingting Zheng, Dinghui Zou, Zengling Ma*. 2023. Are there environmental benefits derived from coastal aquaculture of Sargassum fusiforme? Aquaculture, 563: 738909. [SCI 1区, IF=5.135 (2021), Top Journal].
8. Yang Jia, Jiazhan Lu, Min Wang, Wenli Qin, Binbin Chen, Hanqing Xu*, Zengling Ma*. 2023. Algicidal bacteria in phycosphere regulate free-living Symbiodinium fate via triggering oxidative stress and photosynthetic system damage. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 263(2023): 115369. [SCI 2区, IF:6.8 (2022), Top Journal].
9. Wang Min, Yu Qiu, Ziyi Zhang, Yutao Chen, Wenli Qin, Wanchun Guan, Gang Li, Hengguo Yu, Chuanjun Dai, Renhui Li, Zengling Ma*. 2023. Dual characteristics of Bellamya aeruginosa encountering Microcystis aeruginosa: algal control and toxin depuration. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 252: 114596. [SCI 2区, IF=7.129 (2021), Top Journal].
10. Yuling Song, Lijun Wang, Xi Qiang, Wenhui Gu, Zengling Ma*, Guangce Wang*. 2023. An overview of biological mechanisms and strategies for treating wastewater from printing and dyeing processes. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 55: 104242. [SCI 2区, IF:7.0 (2022)]
11. Yaodong Ning, Shi Zhang, Te Zheng, Yao Xu, Song Li, Jianpeng Zhang, Binghua Jiao, Yun Zhang*, Zengling Ma*, Xiaoling Lu*. 2023. Pimarane-type diterpenes with anti-inflammatory activity from Arctic-derived fungus Eutypella sp. D-1. Marine Drugs, 21: 541. [SCI 2区, IF:5.4 (2022)]
12. Zengling Ma, Wai Yan Cheah, I-Son Ng, Jo-Shu Chang, Min Zhao*, Pau Loke Show*. 2022. Microalgae-based biotechnological sequestration of carbon dioxide for net zero emissions. Trends in Biotechnology, 40(12):1439-1453. [SCI 1区, IF=21.942 (2021), Top Journal, Cell 子刊].
13. Jihui Zuo, Ya Zhang, Yu Wu, Jian Liu, Qifang Wu, Yizhe Shen, Li Jin, Mingjiang Wu*, Zengling Ma*, Haibin Tong*. 2022. Sargassum fusiforme fucoidan ameliorates diet-induced obesity through enhancing thermogenesis of adipose tissues and modulating gut microbiota. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 216: 728-740. [SCI 1区, IF=8.025 (2021), Top Journal].
14. Zengling Ma, Catarina Meliana, Heli Siti Halimatul Munawaroh, Ceren Karaman, Hassan Karimi-Maleh, Sze Shin Low, Pau Loke Show*. 2022. Recent advances in the analytical strategies of microbial biosensor for detection of pollutants. Chemosphere, 306: 135515. [SCI 2 区, IF=8.943 (2021), Top Journal].
15. Binbin Chen, Zongrun Gu, Mingjiang Wu, Zengling Ma*, Hooi Ren Lim; Kuan Shiong Khoo, Pau Loke Show*. 2022. Advancement pathway of biochar resources from macroalgae biomass: a review. Biomass & Bioenergy, 167(2022): 106650. [SCI 2 区, IF=5.774 (2022)].
16. Yuling Song, Lijun Wang, Xi Qiang, Wenhui Gu, Zengling Ma*, Guangce Wang*. 2022. The promising way to treat wastewater by microalgae: Approaches, mechanisms, applications and challenges. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 49: 103012. [SCI 2 区, IF=7.340 (2021)].
17. Zengling Ma, Caixia Wang, Wenli Qin, Min Wang, Binbin Chen, Yang Jia, Zhixia Qin, Chuanjun Dai, Hengguo Yu, Jun Li, Gang Li, Min Zhao. 2021. Inhibitory effects of Prorocentrum donghaiense allelochemicals on Sargassum fusiformis zygotes probed by JIP-test based on fast chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics. Marine Environmental Research, 170(2021): 105453. [SCI 2区, IF=3.130 (2020)].
18. Tiange Shang, Lidong Lin, Binbin Chen, Min Wang, Wenli Qin, Chuanjun Dai, Hengguo Yu, Jun Li, Ronald W. Thring, Zengling Ma*, Min Zhao. 2020. Cell density-dependent suppression on the development and photosynthetic activities of Sargassum fusiformis embryos by dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi. Harmful Algae, 96(2020): 101842. [SCI 2区, IF=5.012 (2019), Top Journal].
19. Zengling Ma, Faruq Ahmed, Bo Yuan, Wei Zhang*, 2019. Fresh living Arthrospira as dietary supplements: current status and challenges. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 88:439-444. [SCI 1区, IF=16.002 (2021), Top Journal].
20. Anglu shen; Joji Ishizaka; Mengmeng Yang; Longling Ouyang; Yane Yin; Zengling Ma*, 2019. Changes in community structure and photosynthetic activities of total phytoplankton species during the growth, maintenance, and dissipation phases of a Prorocentrum donghaiense bloom. Harmful Algae, 82: 35-43 [SCI 2 区, IF=5.012 (2019), Top Journal]
1. 浙江省自然科学奖三等奖:“典型赤潮甲藻的致毒机理、生态效应及其藻际功能菌发掘利用研究”, 排名1/5 (2022.07).
2. 上海市自然科学奖三等奖:“全球变暖对东海浮游生物影响机制的研究”,排名3/5 (2014.12).
3. 浙江省科技进步奖三等奖:“羊栖菜品质育种、高效养殖及种植资源保存关键技术创新与应用”,排名5/7 (2023.07).
4. 国家海洋局海洋创新成果奖二等奖:“东海近海浮游动物对全球变暖的响应”,排名5/7 (2012.01).
5. 中国发明协会创业奖·创新奖一等奖:“经济海藻羊栖菜品质育种、科学养殖和高值开发关键技术创新与应用”, 排名6/6 (2022.10).
6. 浙江省生态环境科学技术奖二等奖:“东海近海甲藻赤潮形成过程、生物效应及机理研究)”, 排名第1/7 (2021.11).
7. 上海海洋科学技术奖二等奖:“全球变暖对东海浮游生物影响机制的研究”,排名3/5 (2013.12).
8. 中国藻类学研究优秀论文奖三等奖,排名1/1 (2019.11).
9. 中国藻类学研究优秀论文奖三等奖,排名1/1 (2009.11).
10. 浙江省农业丰收奖三等奖:“羊栖菜杂交育种新品系选育、扩繁和评价技术的开发与推广”,排名3/5 (2023.10)
11. 中国水产科学研究院科技进步奖二等奖:“浮游动物对东海近海变暖的响应”,排名6/9 (2011.12).
1. 浙江省高校领军人才培养计划创新领军人才(2020.07)
2. 温州市高水平创新型城市建设先进个人 (2022.04)
3. 温州市推动经济稳进提质工作先进个人 (2024.04)
4. Frontiers in Marine Science, editor (2017.12-)
5. Environment and Ecology Research, editor (2014.12-)
6. toxins, Editor of Special Issue (2023.01-)
7. Molecular Biotechnology, Editor of Special Issue (2024.01-)
8. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering Technology, editor (2021.06-)
Email: mazengling@wzu.edu.cn
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4165-0339
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zengling-Ma/research