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来源:伟德国际1946源于英国 日期:2020-03-03浏览量:

李仁辉,,2020年1月任伟德国际1946源于英国伟德国际1946源于英国教授(二级)。1998年取得日本筑波大学理学博士;1998年4月至2005年9月分别在日本国立环境研究生,美国赖特州立大学,弗吉尼亚理工大学和田纳西大学从事博士后研究。2005年9月 入选中国科学院海外杰出引进人才“百人计划”。曾任中国科学院水生生物研究所藻类研究中心主任,二级研究员,博士生导师。研究的领域包括水体富营养化,有毒蓝藻水华和藻类异味的研究等。主持和承担国家973课题,十一五,十二五和十三五国家水专项,国家重点研发课题,浙江省基金重大项目以及国家自然科学基金,等国家项目以及受委托横向项目80多项(其中国家自然科学基金9项),以及同美国,日本,欧洲和澳大利亚的国际合作研究。承担我国重要湖泊太湖,滇池,洱海等的蓝藻水华治理的国家重大科技攻关项目;特别是在2019年武汉市举办的世界第七届军人运动会的铁人三项的水上项目和2023年杭州亚运会温州龙舟湖赛场均承担“水质保障和蓝藻水华应急去除”项目,有效性地保障比赛的顺利进行。受聘于多个省市的“蓝藻水华和饮用水问题和处理”的专家顾问,国家自然科学基金评委,科技部和环保部等部委的科研项目和标准评审组长或委员。担任中国藻类学会副秘书长,国际藻类杂志Phycologia (SCI)副主编,Journal of Systematics and Evolution(SCI) 的副主编,Harmful Algae,《湖泊科学》,《生物多样性》和《应用与环境生物学报》的编委等。发表学术文章200多篇,其中第一和通讯作者的SCI文章160多篇,被引6000多余次。


1) Zuo J., Yang S., Grossart H., Xiao P., Zhang H., Sun R., Li G., Jiang H., Zhao Q.,Jiao M., Cheng Y., Wang Z., Geng R., Ma Z. and Li R*. 2025.Sequential decline in cyanobacterial, total prokaryotic, and eukaryotic responses to backward flow in a river connected to Lake Taihu. Water Research. 269:122784

2) Xie Y., Zhang H.,Cui B.,Geng R.,Grossart H., Xiao P.,Zuo J.,Zhang H., Wang Z.,Wang G., Wang X., Ma Z. and Li R*.2024. Enhanced inhibitory efficiency against toxic bloom forming Raphidiopsis raciborskii by Streptomyces sp. HY through triple algicidal modes: Direct and indirect attacks combined with bioflocculation. Journal of Hazardous Materials.477:135152

3) Wang Z., Huang X., Wu Y., Hu X., Zhao Q., Zuo J., Xiao P., Cheng Y., Zhang H*. and Li R*. 2024.Defense against Paramecium predation via long filament morphology favors the survival of Raphidiopsis raciborskii populations. Harmful Algae. 137: 102678

4) Xiao P., Wu Y., Zuo J., Grossart H., Sun R., Li G., Jiang H., Cheng Y., Wang Z., Geng R., Zhang H., Ma Z., Yan A*. and Li R*. 2024. Differential microbiome features in lake-river systems of Taihu basin in response to water flow disturbance. Frontier in Microbiology.10.3389/fmicb.2024.1479158

5) Zhao Q., Wu B., Zuo J., Xiao P., Zhang H.,Dong Y., Shang S.,Ji G., Geng R*. and Li R*. 2024. Benthic Microbes on the Shore of Southern Lake Taihu Exhibit Ecological Significance and Toxin-Producing Potential Through Comparison with Planktonic Microbes. Water. 16:3155

6) Gao, K., Cheng, Y., Geng, R., Xiao P., Zhang H., Wu Z., Cai F*. and Li R*. 2024. Revealing the Diversity of Thin Filamentous Cyanobacteria, with the Discovery of a Novel Species, Pegethrix qiandaoensis sp. nov. (Oculatellaceae, Oculatellales), in a Freshwater Lake in China. Diversity. 16:161

7) Geng R., He Z.,Gao K., Xiao P., Zhang H., Chen S., Li H., Yu G. and Li R*. 2024. Neomicrocoleus gen. nov. (Microcoleaceae, Oscillatoriales), a novel cyanobacterial genus from benthic mats in a water channel. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 42:263-276

8) Geng R., Cheng Y., Chen S., Zhang H., Xiao P., Chen S., Ma Z., Han B. and Li R*. 2024. Maricoleus vaginatus gen. et sp. nov. (Oculatellaceae, Synechococcales), a novel cyanobacterium isolated from a marine ecosystem in China. Fottea 24:24-41

9) Shen L., Zhang Z.,Huang L., Zhang L., Yu G., Chen M., Li R*. an Qiu B*. 2023. Chlorophyll f production in two new subaerial cyanobacteria of the family Oculatellaceae.  Journal of Phycology. 59(2):370-381

10) Zhang H., Xie Y., Zhang R., Zhang Z., Hu X., Cheng Y., Geng R., Ma Z. and Li R*. 2023. Discovery of a High-Efficient Algicidal Bacterium against Microcystis aeruginosa Based on Examinations toward Culture Strains and Natural Bloom Samples. Toxins 15:220

11) Cai F., Yu G and Li R*. 2022. Description of two new species of Pseudoaliinostoc (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) from China based on the polyphasic approach. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 40(3):1233-1244

12) Shen L., Zhang Z., Shang J., Li Z., Chen M., Li R.* and Qiu B*. 2022. Kovacikia minuta sp. nov. (Leptolyngbyaceae, Cyanobacteria), a new freshwater chlorophyll f-producing cyanobacterium. Journal of Phycology. 58(3):424-435

13) Zhang H., Jiang Y.,Zhou C., Chen Y.,Yu G.,Zheng L.,Guan H. and Li R*. 2022. Occurrence of Mycosporine-like Amino Acids (MAAs) from the Bloom-Forming Cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon Strains. Molecules 27:1734 

14) Cheng Y. Geng R. Shan L. Liu Y. Zhang H. Xiao P. Ma Z. and Li R.* 2022. Taxonomic discussion on cyanobacterial systematics at family level, with special regards to Phormidiaceae by using the strains of Chinese newly recorded genera Ancylothrix and Potamolinea. Diversity 14: 301.

15) Huo D. Gan N. Geng R. Qi C. Song L. Yu G. and Li R.* 2021. Cyanobacterial blooms in China: diversity, distribution, and cyanotoxins. Harmfu Algae 109: 102106.

16) Li H. Chen Y. Yu G. Rossi F. Huo D. Philippis R. Cheng X. Wang W. and Li R.* 2021. Multiple diversity facets of crucial microbial groups in biological soil crusts promote soil multifunctionality. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30: 1204-1217.

17) Yang Y, Yu G, Chen Y, Jia N, Li R*. 2021. Four decades of progress in cylindrospermopsin research: The ins and outs of a potent cyanotoxin. Journal of Hazardous Materials 15;406:124653. 

18) Huo D, Li H, Cai F, Guo X, Qiao Z, Wang W, Yu G*, Li R*. Genome Evolution of Filamentous Cyanobacterium Nostoc Species: From Facultative Symbiosis to Free Living. Microorganisms 23:2015. 

19) Wang Y, Jia N, Geng R, Yu G*, Li R*. 2021. Phylogenetic insights into chroococcus-like taxa (Chroococcales, Cyanobacteria), describing Cryptochroococcus tibeticus gen. nov. sp. nov. and Limnococcus fonticola sp. nov. from Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Jouranl of Phycology 57(6):1739-1748. 

 20) Geng R, Wang Y, Cai F, Zhang Y, Yang P, Dai G F, Li R*, Yu G*. 2021. Neochroococcus gongqingensis gen. et sp. nov., a new member of coccoid cyanobacteria from a watercourse, Eastern China. Fottea 21(1): 44-52.

21) Geng R, Li W, Chao A, Guo X, Li H, Yu G*, Li R*. 2021. Establishment of a New Filamentous Cyanobacterial Genus, Microcoleusiopsis gen. nov. (Microcoleaceae, Cyanobacteria), from Benthic Mats in Open Channel, Jiangxi Province, China. Diversity 13, 548.

22) Liu Y., Chen Y., Fang H., Lu H., Wu X, Yu G., Nakano S., Li R*. 2021. Relationship between morphospecies and microcystin producing genotypes of Microcystis species in Chinese freshwaters. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 39(5):1926-1937.

23) Melissa P., Cai F., Chang A., Ren H., Li N., Li R*., Chen T*.2021. Polyphasic approach identifies two new species of Desmonostoc (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) in the coralloid roots of Cycas fairylakea (Cycadales). Phycologia 66:653-668.

24) Jia N, Yang Y, Yu G, Wang Y, Qiu P, Li H, Li R*. 2020. Interspecific competition reveals Raphidiopsis raciborskii as a more successful invader than Microcystis aeruginosa. Harmful Algae 97:101858.

25) Li H. Huo D. Wang W. Chen Y. Cheng X. Yu G. and Li R.* 2020. Multifunctionality of biocrusts is positively predicted by network topologies consistent with interspecies facilitation. Molecular Ecology 29: 1560-1573.


1. 水华蓝藻越冬和复苏的时空格局与过程, 973项目课题负责人, 2008-2012, 380万

2. 湖湾藻华原位控制和藻源性污染消减技术及示范工程,国家十一五国家水专项洱海项目子课题负责人,2009-2012,140万 


4. 中国淡水蓝藻志-真枝藻目,国家自然科学基金委,2011-2015, 35万   



7.拟柱胞藻和尖头藻的分类以及分子系统学研究。国家自然科学基金委,2012 -2015,60万  


9. 念珠藻的分类修订学研究。国家自然科学基金委,2015-2018,88万 

10.藏北典型湖泊水生生物资源本底考察。科技部基础专项课题负责人,2014-2019, 70万

11. 滨湖城市高藻河道外源性藻类控制技术与示范。科技部水专项子课题负责人,2017-2020,430万。

12. 丝状蓝藻--颤藻的分类修订研究。国家自然科学基金委,2020-2013,58万。

13. 南太湖蓝藻水华倒灌过程中的藻类生态学研究。浙江省自然基金重大项目,2021-2023,100万

14.国家重点研发项目:水源地蓝藻水华灾害的多元监测和应急去除技术研究,2021-2024. 112.5万。

15. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:太湖黄色的蓝藻水华: 特征,成因及生态环境效应的研究,2024-2027. 50万。



2)东圳水库蓝藻的现状调查,安全性评估以及防控对策。莆田市生态环境局。 20.0万,负责人:李仁辉,2020,8-2022,7





















2016年和2018年京都大学汤川冠名特聘教授 (* 汤川为诺贝尔奖获得者)

2020年 伟德国际1946源于英国“瓯江特聘”教授

2021年 温州市B类高层次人才





1. 第一届全国藻类分类与多样性研讨会,2009,武汉

2. 第一届亚洲微囊藻研究国际研讨会,2009,武汉

3. 第十七次全国藻类学会会议以及学术研讨会,2013,武汉

4. 第十届世界产毒蓝藻会议,2016,武汉

5. 第八届全国藻类多样性和分类会议,2023,温州


SCI:Phycologia 副主编

Harmful Algae 编委

Journal of Systematics and Evolution 副主编(2010-2016),编委(2017至2022)









联系电话 13037177100

电子邮箱 renhui.li@wzu.edu.cn