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来源:伟德国际1946源于英国 日期:2023-02-06浏览量:






[1] Jibo Xiao, Guo Lin, Zhuangzhuang Cao, Shuyi Chu, Lingzhou Cui, Yunlong Yang, Xiangting Wu. A shallow constructed wetland combining porous filter material and Rotala rotundifolia for advanced treatment of municipal sewage at low HRT. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023. 10.1007/s11356-022-24111-4.

[2] Yunlong Yang, Sijia Dong, Yang Yu, Shuyi Chu, Jibo Xiao. Bioaugmentation performances with a powerful strain for nitrogen removal without N2O accumulation[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 325: 116506.

[3] Shuyi Chu, Qian Qu, Keke Pan, Yunjie Xu, Jibo Xiao. A new Fe-C porous filter material from dredged sediment: preparation, characterization, and its application[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28: 66303-66312.  

[4] Shuyi Chu, Xiaying Zhang, Jibo Xiao, Ruihuan Chen. Dynamic nutrient removal potential of a novel submerged macrophyte Rotala rotundifolia, and its growth and physiological response to reduced light available[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 293: 112965.

[5] Yunlong Yang, Xiaying Zhang, Jibo Xiao, Shuyi Chu, Zhida Huang. Nutrient removal by Rotala rotundifolia: a superior candidate for ecosystem remediation at low temperatures[J]. RSC Advances, 2020, 10(49): 29139-29146.

[6] Chaoguang Gu, Feifei Li, Jibo Xiao, Shuyi Chu, Shuang Song, Ming Hung Wong. A novel submerged Rotala rotundifolia, its growth characteristics and remediation potential for eutrophic waters[J]. Scientific Reports, 2019, (9): 14855-14863.  

[7] Chaoguang Gu, Shuang Song, Shuyi Chu, Jibo Xiao, Ronald W Thring, Lingzhou Cui. Synthesis of novel biochar substrate from harvested Cyperus alternifolius and its applicable potential for fluoride removal from river waters in artificial floating beds[J]. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2019,147: 255-263.

[8] Jibo Xiao, Shuyi Chu, Guangming Tian, Ronald W. Thring, Lingzhou Cui. An Eco-tank system containing microbes and different aquatic plant species for the bioremediation of  N, N-dimethylformamide polluted river waters[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 320: 564-570.

[9] Jibo Xiao, Shuyi Chu. A novel bamboo fibre biofilm carrier and its utilization in the upgrade of wastewater treatment plant[J]. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, 56: 574-582.

[10] Shuyi Chu, Jibo Xiao, Guangming Tian, Ming Hung Wong. Preparation and characterization of activated carbon from aquatic macrophyte debris and its ability to adsorb anthraquinone dyes[J]. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2014, 20: 3461-3466.


[1] 国家自然科学基金:2021-2023多生态型圆叶节节菜对不同水位的适应策略和调控机制42007146),主持 .

[2] 浙江省基础公益项目:2021-2023,功能基质介导的浅层湿地治理农业面源污染技术开发与应用(LGF21E090002),主持.

[3] 浙江省基础公益项目:2020-2022,竹纤维磁性悬浮填料的制备与应用研究(LGF21E090002),参与.

[4] 温州市科技计划项目:2019-2021,铁碳微电解耦合微生物修复污染底泥新技术及机制研究(S20190003),主持.

[5] 温州市种子种苗项目:2016-2019,耐寒性濒危沉水植物圆叶节节菜繁育与应用研究(Z20160011),主持


[1] 污染河流水质提升与水生态修复关键技术研发与应用. 中国发明协会创业成果二等奖, 2022. 2.

[2] 竹纤维固定化微生物强化净化污染河水集成技术研发与应用. 全国商业科技进步三等奖, 2019. 3.

[3] 污染河水综合治理关键技术研究与应用. 浙江省环境保护科学技术奖三等奖,  2018. 2.

[4] 一种板式生物过滤塔及其废气处理工艺. 中国专利优秀奖, 2018. 5.

[5] 基于竹纤维生物载体的污染河水综合治理技术研发及应用. 浙江省科技进步二等奖, 2016. 6.

[6] 基于竹纤维生物载体的污染河水综合治理技术研发及应用. 温州科技进步一等奖, 2016. 2.

