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来源:伟德国际1946源于英国 日期:2017-09-25浏览量:



佟海滨,伟德国际1946源于英国,硕导,瓯江特聘教授。毕业于东北师范大学细胞生物学博士(导师:曾宪录教授),中国中医科学院中药学博士后(合作导师:黄璐琦院士),美国耶鲁大学医学院访问学者(合作导师:Martin Schwartz教授)。

主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金、吉林省科技厅重点科技攻关项目、浙江省自然科学基金面上项目、中国博士后科学基金面上资助、温州市科技局重大科技创新攻关项目等。以第一及通讯作者身份发表SCI论文70余篇,h指数23Google Scholar)。获得省自然科学二等奖1项,科技进步二等奖2项,2016年获得“吉林省青年科技奖”。



浙江省生物化学与分子生物学学会 理事

浙江省药学会海洋药物专业委员会 委员

浙江省药学会中药与天然药物专业委员会 委员

中国药理学会海洋药物药理专业委员会 青年委员

Frontiers in Marine ScienceIF: 5.247,中科院2Top)客座编辑

International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IF:6.208,中科院2Top)客座编辑

Frontiers in PharmacologyIF:5.8,中科院2区)客座编辑






5. c-Abl激酶在中性粒细胞应答剪切力爬行进程中的分子行为及作用机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目编号:31401203,起止日期:2015.012017.12,经费:25万,项目负责人











1. Jiang, P., Ji, X., Xia, J., Xu, M.R., Hao, F., Tong, H.B.*, Jiao, L.L.* Structure and potential anti-fatigue mechanism of polysaccharides from Bupleurum chinense DC. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2023, 306, 120608 IF10. 7231 Top

2.Hu, Y.X., Wu, H.J., Lu, C.Y., Xu, H.Q., Li, B.Y., Guan, W.C., Wu, M.J., Gao, Y.T.*, Tong, H.B.* Cadmium chloride exposure impairs the growth and behavior of Drosophila via ferroptosis. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 865, 161183IF10. 7531 Top

3. Wu, Y., Jin, X.S., Zhang, Y., Liu, J., Wu, M.J.*, Tong, H.B.* Bioactive compounds from brown algae alleviate non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: An extensive review. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71, 1771–1787.IF5.8951Top


4. Zhang, Y.#, Cheng, Y.#, Liu, J.#, Zuo, JH., Yan, L.P., Thring, W.R., Ba, X.Q., Qi, D.K., Wu, M.J., Gao, Y.T.*, Tong, H.B.* Tauroursodeoxycholic acid functions as a critical effector mediating insulin sensitization of metformin in obese mice. Redox Biology, 2022 , 57, 102481IF10.7871 Top

5. Zuo, J.H.#, Zhang, Y.#, Wu, Y.#, Liu, J., Wu, Q.F., Shen, Y.Z., Jin, L., Wu, M.J.*, Ma, Z.L.*, Tong, H.B.* Sargassum fusiforme fucoidan ameliorates diet-induced obesity through enhancing thermogenesis of adipose tissues and modulating gut microbiota. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 216, 728–740 IF8.0251Top

6. Zhang, Y.#, Wu, Q.F.#, Liu, J., Zhang, Z.S., Ma, X.J., Zhang, Y.Y., Zhu, J.W., Thring, W.R., Wu, M.J., Gao, Y.T.*, Tong, H.B.* Sulforaphane alleviates high fat diet-induced insulin resistance via AMPK/Nrf2/GPx4 axis. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2022, 152, 113273IF7.4191 Top

7. Wu, S.Y.#, Liu, J.#, Zhang, Y.#, Song, J.X., Zhang, Z.S., Yang, Y., Wu, M.J.*, Tong, H.B.* Structural characterization and antagonistic effect against P-selectin-mediated function of SFF-32, a fucoidan fraction from Sargassum fusiforme. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2022, 295, 115408IF5.1951 Top

8. He, D.#, Wu, Q.F.#, Lu, C.Y., Wu, J.L., Chen, P.C., Wu, M.J.*, Choi, J.I.*, Tong, H.B.* Pyropia yezoensis porphyran alleviates metabolic disorders via modulating gut microbiota in high sucrose-fed Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, 2022, 102, 4802-4812IF4.1252Top

9. Qin, Z.Y., Yuan, X.Y., Liu, J., Shi, Z.Q., Cao, L.P., Yang, L.X., Wu, K., Lou, Y.L, Tong, H.B.*, Jiang, L.*, Du, J.M.* Albuca Bracteata polysaccharides attenuate AOM/DSS induced colon tumorigenesis via regulating oxidative stress, inflammation and gut microbiota in mice. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2022, 13:833077IF5.9882Top


10.Zhang, Y.#, Liu, J.#, Mao, G.X.#, Zuo, J.H. Li, S.J., Yang, Y., Thring, R., Wu, M.J.*, Tong, H.B.* Sargassum fusiforme fucoidan alleviates diet-induced insulin resistance by inhibiting colon-derived ceramide biosynthesis. Food & Function, 2021, 12, 8440–8453.IF6.3171Top

11. Liu, J.#, Wu, S.Y.#, Cheng, Y.#, Liu, Q., Su, L.J., Yang, Y., Zhang, X., Wu, M.J., Choi, J.-i.*, Tong, H.B.* Sargassum fusiforme alginate relieves hyperglycemia and modulates intestinal microbiota and metabolites in type 2 diabetic mice. Nutrients, 2021, 13, 2887.IF6.7062Top

12. Wu, Q.F., Du, X.T., Feng, X.C., Cheng, H.M., Chen, Y.J., Lu, C.Y., Wu, M.J., Tong, H.B.* Chlordane exposure causes developmental delay and metabolic disorders in Drosophila melanogaster. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 225, 112739.IF7.1292Top

13. Wu, S.Y.#, Zuo, J.H.#, Cheng, Y.#, Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z.S., Wu, M.J.*, Yang, Y.*, Tong, H.B.* Ethanol extract of Sargarsum fusiforme alleviates HFD/STZ-induced hyperglycemia in association with modulation of gut microbiota and intestinal metabolites in type 2 diabetic mice. Food Research International, 2021, 147, 110550.IF7.4251Top

14. Wu, Q.F. #, Wu, S.Y. #, Cheng, Y. #, Zhang, Z.S., Mao, G.X., Li, S.J., Yang, Y., Zhang, X., Wu, M.J.*, Tong, H.B.* Sargassum fusiforme fucoidan modifies gut microbiota and intestinal metabolites during alleviation of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetic mice. Food & Function, 2021, 12, 3572–3585.IF6.3171Top

15. He, D., Yan L.P., Hu, Y.X., Wu, Q.F., Wu, M.J.*, Choi, J.I.*, Tong, H.B.* Optimization of Pyropia yezoensis porphyran by response surface methodology and its lipid-lowering effect. Marine Drugs, 2021, 19, E53.IF5.1182区)


16.Song, J.X., Wu, Y., Ma, X.J., Feng, L.J., Wang, Z.G., Jiang, G.Q.*, Tong, H.B.* Structural characterization and α-glycosidase inhibitory activity of a novel polysaccharide fraction from Aconitum coreanum. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 230, 115586.IF10.7231Top

17.Zhang, Y.#, Zuo, J.H.#, Yan, L.P.#, Cheng, Y., Li, Q.J., Wu, S.Y., Chen, L., Thring, R., Yang, Y., Gao, Y.T.*, Wu, M.J.*, Tong, H.B.* Sargassum fusiforme fucoidan alleviates high-fat diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance associated with the improvement of hepatic oxidative stress and gut microbiota profile. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68, 10626–10638.IF5.8951Top

18. Liu, J.#, Wu, S.Y.#, Chen, L., Li, Q.J., Shen, Y.Z., Jin, L., Zhang, X., Chen, P.C., Wu, M.J.*, Choi, J.I*, Tong, H.B.* Different extraction methods bring about distinct physicochemical properties and antioxidant activities of Sargassum fusiforme fucoidans. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 155, 1385–1392. IF8.0251Top


19. Luthuli, S.#, Wu, S.Y.#, Cheng, Y., Zheng, X.L., Wu, M.J.*, Tong, H.B.* Therapeutic effects of fucoidan: A review on recent studies. Marine Drugs, 2019, 17, E487.IF5.1182区,入选高被引论文

20.Song, J.X., Wu, Y., Jiang, G.Q., Feng, L.J., Wang, Z.G., Yuan, G.X.*, Tong, H.B.* Sulfated polysaccharides from Rhodiola sachalinensis reduce D-gal-induced oxidative stress in NIH 3T3 cells. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 140, 288–293. IF8.0251Top

21.He, D.#, Wu, S.Y.#, Yan, L.P., Zuo, J.H., Cheng, Y., Wang, H.F., Liu, J., Zhang, X., Choi, J.I., Wu, M.J.*, Tong, H.B.* Antitumor bioactivity of porphyran extracted from Pyropia yezoensis Chonsoo2 on human cancer cell lines. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019, 99: 6722–6730. IF4.1252Top

22. Cheng, Y.#, Sibusiso, L.#, Hou, L.F., Jiang, H.J., Chen, P.C., Zhang, X., Wu, M.J.*, Tong, H.B.* Sargassum fusiforme fucoidan modifies the gut microbiota during alleviation of streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia in mice. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 131: 1162-1170. IF8.0251Top

23. Wu, S.Y., Zhang, X., Liu, J., Song, J.X., Yu, P., Chen, P.C., Liao, Z.Y., Wu, M.J.*, Tong, H.B.* Physicochemical characterization of Sargassum fusiforme fucoidan fractions and their antagonistic effect against P-selectin-mediated cell adhesion. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 133: 656-662. IF8.0251Top


温州市茶山高教园区 伟德国际1946源于英国10B409




